Dallas, TX Substance Abuse Hotline

We understand the devastating impact substance abuse can have on individuals, their families, and their communities. Our goal is to serve as a beacon of hope for those tormented by addiction in Dallas, Texas. As the Substance Abuse Hotline, we operate 24/7, providing instant and free access to support and resources for overcoming addiction.

What is the Addiction Hotline?

The Addiction Hotline is a toll-free phone service that provides confidential assistance to individuals struggling with substance addiction. Whether you are seeking information about substance abuse or looking for addiction treatment options in Dallas, Texas, we are here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Why Contact the Addiction Hotline in Dallas, Texas?

Anyone can contact the Addiction Hotline. Maybe you are worried about your own substance use, or looking for advice because someone you care about is struggling. Perhaps you are unsure where to go for treatment or what types of therapy are available. Our trained professionals are ready to answer all your queries whilst maintaining your confidentiality.

Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips

Our team is adept at providing knowledgeable and compassionate advice for tackling addiction. The path to recovery may seem daunting, but please remember that you are not alone. Help is just a phone call away.
(888) 430-7660

Accessible Treatment Options in Dallas, Texas

Across Dallas, and wider Texas, numerous drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs exist. Individualized treatment programs are designed to help people at all stages of addiction, whether you are taking the first steps toward recovery or need help maintaining sobriety. We can help guide you to appropriate treatment options in Dallas, Texas.

Connect with Us

Taking that first step towards recovery is often the hardest. However, you are not alone in this journey. We encourage you to reach out now
Call us at (888) 430-7660


Helping Dallas, Texas Overcome Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is damaging communities across Dallas, Texas. This is why we strive to connect individuals with disposable treatment programs – to make a real change in people’s lives.

Help is available any time, day or night. Don’t hesitate. Start your journey towards recovery by connecting with the Addiction Hotline in Dallas, Texas today!

State Hotline Resources