Alaska Substance Abuse Hotline

Understanding Substance Abuse and Addiction in Alaska

In Alaska, people struggling with substance abuse are not alone. Our aim at the Alaska Substance Abuse Hotline is to provide as much support, help, and advice as possible.

What is an Addiction Hotline?

An addiction hotline is a phone line that is available 24/7 for those suffering from substance abuse. It provides a safe and confidential space for people who crave for help or have concerns regarding their vocations or those of their loved ones.

How Can Alaska Substance Abuse Hotline Help You?

Dealing with substance abuse involves a lot of challenges. You may not know where to start or even have the courage to take the first step. This is where the Alaska Substance Abuse Hotline comes into play. You can call us directly at (888) 430-7660 or visit Alaska’s crisis hotline, Careline. The hotline serves as a beacon of light in the darkness to guide you towards the support and professional help you need.

  1. Immediate Support

    Calling our hotline provides immediate connection with trained counselors who understand what you are going through and can offer guidance throughout the recovery process.

  2. Confidential Consultation

    Our service is 100% confidential. You can trust us with your information and your experiences. We’re here to assist you, not judge you.

  3. Resource Information

    We have a comprehensive list of resources in Alaska related to substance abuse. We use this information to refer you to appropriate addiction treatment services in Alaska.

Contact the Addiction Hotline

Remember, asking for help is the first step towards recovery. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse, don’t hesitate to ring the Alaska Substance Abuse Hotline at (888) 430-7660. We’re always here to provide the help and support you need.

State Hotline Resources