Vermont Substance Abuse Hotline

Overcoming Addiction with Substance Abuse Hotline

The road to recovery from addiction is never an easy one. It is fraught with challenges, difficulties, and moments of weakness. However, know that you are not alone. Here in Vermont, our Addiction Hotline is always open 24/7 to offer support, guidance, and information about substance abuse.

What is the Addiction Hotline?

The Addiction Hotline is a confidential, safe, and free service for anyone in Vermont who’s struggling with substance abuse. The phone service operates round-the-clock, so rest assured that you can reach out to us anytime.

The Role of the Vermont Substance Abuse Hotline

The Addiction Hotline is not your ordinary phone service. It is a lifeline linking individuals to the help they need. We provide essential information about:

  1. Treatment options available in Vermont.
  2. How to manage withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Advice on how to help a loved one battling addiction.

Speak with a Professional Today

Don’t let addiction control your life. Remember, hopes and dreams are never lost. They can still be achieved. So don’t hesitate to connect with us. Call the (888) 430-7660. Speak with a professional, take the first step and redirect your path towards recovery. Here at the Vermont Substance Abuse Hotline, we let you know that you’re not alone on this journey.

Everyone Deserves a Chance

The Substance Abuse Hotline believes that everyone has a chance to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. We are always here to listen, to guide and to help in times of need. Let us help you reclaim your life today.

Navigating Through Addiction in Vermont

With the right help, overcoming addiction is possible. The journey towards recovery may not always be easy, but it is worth it. We are dedicatedly working for the people in Vermont to start anew. Reach out to us today, let us navigate together towards a healthier future.

State Hotline Resources