Delaware Substance Abuse Hotline

Understanding the Importance of Substance Abuse Hotlines

Whether you are a person battling addiction or a loved one trying to help, understanding the vital role of a substance abuse hotline is crucial. In Delaware, our Addiction Hotline is available 24/7, committed to offering guidance and assistance to those impacted by substance abuse.

What Does An Addiction Hotline, Delaware Offer?

An addiction hotline provides immediate assistance to those struggling with substance abuse. Our Delaware-based hotline is staffed with compassionate, experienced counselors ready to provide guidance and resources for treatment options. The purpose isn’t solely crisis intervention; we are here for those seeking advice about their own substance use situation or information on how to help a loved one. Delaware also offers the option to reach out to (MCIS), Northern Delaware Hotline or (MCIS), Southern Delaware Hotline.

Confidentiality On Our Addiction Hotline, Delaware

All calls are strictly confidential. We respect your privacy at our hotline service. Our trained counselors are professionals with a code of ethics that includes confidentiality as top priority. You can feel secure while discussing your situation with us.

When to Contact Delaware Substance Abuse Hotline?

  1. If you are concerned about your own substance use or that of a loved one.
  2. For information about treatment options and supportive resources in Delaware.
  3. When you are ready to start your journey of recovery and need guidance.

Contact Our Addiction Hotline, Delaware Today

If you or a loved one are facing the challenges of substance abuse and need assistance, we encourage you to reach out. Our dedicated team is here to help guide you towards the path of recovery. You are not alone. Help is just one call away.
Call us: (888) 430-7660.

State Hotline Resources