Columbia, MO Substance Abuse Hotline

24/7 Addiction Hotline in Columbia, Missouri

Recognizing and acknowledging that you or a loved one may be battling substance abuse can be a challenging first step. In Columbia, Missouri, you’re not alone in this struggle. Our Addiction Hotline is available to you around the clock, offering unwavering support and guidance during this critical time.

What does the Addiction Hotline offer?

Our (888) 430-7660 hotline is always available to provide immediate support, counseling, and information on substance abuse and recovery resources. You can reach out anonymously, depending on what you’re comfortable with.

  • Immediate Support: Our trained counselors are ready to provide immediate support, listen to your concerns, answer your questions and guide you toward the best potential solutions to your situation.
  • Counseling: Our staff is trained to offer professional counseling. They are equipped to help guide individuals suffering from addiction and their loved ones through these difficult times.
  • Information: We offer comprehensive information on various facets of substance abuse and recovery. This includes knowledge about the addiction process, different drugs, and available treatment options.

Don’t Fight This Battle Alone

Whether you’re struggling with substance abuse, or you’re concerned about a loved one, please know that help is available immediately, only a phone call away. The addiction hotline in Columbia, Missouri offers a lifeline to anyone in need of assistance or information about battling substance abuse.

Reach out to us anytime on our hotline (888) 430-7660. It’s never too late to ask for help, and it’s the first significant step you can take toward recovery.

Helping Missouri Fight Substance Abuse

Beyond Columbia, Missouri, we extend our services to aid anyone in the state who may be struggling with substance abuse. It’s always the right time to make that important call, and we’re here to listen, guide, and support you through it all.

Together, we can combat the problem of substance abuse in Missouri. Together, we can make a difference. Reach out to us at (888) 430-7660 any time of the day or night, and take the first step towards a healthier future.

State Hotline Resources