Knoxville, TN Substance Abuse Hotline

Struggling with substance abuse is a daunting challenge that requires significant courage and commitment to overcome. For residents in Knoxville, Tennessee, our Substance Abuse Hotline is dedicated to providing the help and support needed in battling addiction. We understand your pain, we recognize the courage it takes to seek help, and we are here for you.

Understanding Substance Abuse

Substance abuse, often referred to as drug abuse, entails harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illegal drugs. It’s a serious epidemic, not just in Tennessee, but across the nation. Substance abuse leads to addiction, which is characterized by physical and psychological dependence on these substances.

Role of the Addiction Hotline

Our Addiction Hotline in Knoxville, Tennessee is available 24/7 and serves as the first step towards the journey to recovery. The helpline is staffed with experts who are equipped with the skills and knowledge to provide the immediate assistance and guidance that is often critically needed.

Our Services

  • Immediate Support: Our hotline offers immediate support to those struggling with substance abuse or their loved ones.
  • Assessment: Our experts will offer a preliminary assessment based on the information you provide.
  • Resource guidance: We provide guidance regarding local resources in Knoxville, Tennessee and in the rest of the state that can aid in the recovery journey.

What to Expect When You Call

When you or your loved one calls the addiction hotline, you can expect our team of professionals to handle the call with empathy, understanding, and confidentiality. You will not be judged for your struggle; instead, our focus is on providing appropriate guidance and help. You will be asked some basic questions about your substance use to help guide your needs appropriately.

Seek Help Today

Seeking help is often the hardest step in the recovery journey. We understand. But remember, you are not alone. Our Addiction Hotline is here to provide constant and immediate support. The first step is just a phone call away. When you’re ready, call us.

Call our addiction hotline at (888) 430-7660 and take the first step towards recovery today.

State Hotline Resources